Existential crises we shared
As well as our love of MacBook Airs
2006 was the year we all met
Busking and banter I'll never forget.
You and Mels were a talented dynamo
And I more than a spectator;
I was part of the show
Lugging cables and amps,
on Briggate, and in York,
Guarding guitar case and money,
On the side, for laughs & mic talk
I'd sometimes fetch coffee
(Starbucks, of course )
I think it was always a large,
Usually an extra shot , for full force
Think they knew you by name
In that one on the corner
I remember waiting for the cup with 'J' on , in green pen - a regular order.
The songs that stand out?
'Mr Brightside' and 'Fast Car'
And of course,
at the end of the night,
Buckley's Hallelujah
I remember the time you showed
us that thing
That allowed you to repeat the riff
with a push of your foot ,
'ding ding'!
We laughed at the time and called it a 'cheat'
But we liked it and applauded
The trick of your feet.
But above the songs and the banter the music and (later) parties
I remember most of all the chats and
the swapping of our stories
I miss you Jonny
I miss that chapter in our lives
A 'beautiful chapter' , as Mikey said,
inerasable as the skies.